A point about people and the sports they love...
Guess what people... You're all idiots. Did you know that?
You listen to the media who consists primarily of... let's see... dorky, puny journalists who went to school for...um, journalism.
You form your sports opinions based on other people's (idiots) sports opinions... and then spread that misinformation with glee and feigned insightfulness...
You root for your favorite teams. Of course, you pick your favorite teams based on strict criteria such as:
-which team plays in your geographical proximity.
In other words... Now that the Spurs and Pistons are tied up in the Finals, just as EVERYONE predicted...oh, wait!
I mean, now that the Dallas Mavericks have swept the Miami Heat in the Finals... oh, wait...
Well, at least the Undefeated Champion Indianapolis Colts can take pleasure in the fact that... oh, wait.
Boy, those Yankees are even better than the scribes predicted - they're going to win TWO World Series' this year, they're THAT good. I mean look at all those certifiable All Stars they have...
All I ask from fans is enjoy the games, root for the best stories, learn about the sports, root for the genuine, good people in sports (even if their not really good) and DON'T be surprised when everyone is wrong about everything.... they ALWAYS are!
2006 Cincinnati Reds, Detroit Tigers
2005 Chciago White Sox,
2004 Boston Red Sox
2003 Florida Marlins
2002 Angels in the Outfield of Anaheim of Orange County, Los Angeles, California, United States of North America in the Western Hemisphere, Earth of the Solar System, Milky Way of the Universe
2001 Arizona Diamondbacks
for example...
Ignore the media. They just want ratings. They just want advertising. They don't care about truth, just hype and NEVER offer apologies when they're wrong before, during OR after the fact (see: 'steroids 1970-2006')
Sports is 'important' enough in our society that actual politicians pass laws when people in sports use effective products irresponsibly....thanks, fat-ass, no brains Steve Bechler/banning of ephedra. Now I have to drink caffeine, which is so much better for me? ...and I'm betting someone in Pennsylvania tries to unrepeal the recently repealed helmet law because of dumbass, unlicensed Ben Schmuckelberger.
Guess why? The 'professional' media... and you people are suckers to all of it! I don't envy the GOOD journalists out there. Their jobs are suckier and thankless more than ever and so MANY worthless media members just water down the quality of sports coverage (except for Peter Gammons, GOOD sports jouranlism died when Ralph Wiley did.)
Stand up and root for the teams with the prettiest uniforms and you'll feel better than ever!!!!
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